Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dear Oscar,

My love/hate relationship with you is quite remarkable.

I love you for:

Including Richard Jenkins in the Best Actor category. His subtle performance in The Visitor is acting at it's finest and should be required viewing for all acting classes.

For nominating Michael Shannon in Revolutionary Road and Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder. Even though neither one of them has not a chance in hell of winning, I love that they got rekonized. Respeck.

The Reader for Best Picture! Yes!

Viola Davis, Taraji P. Henson Yay!

Finally Josh Brolin gets a nomination.

I HATE you for:

Why the Revolutionary Road hate? Such a shame.

How could The Fall not be nominated for Best Cinematography? Seriously.

SO tired of people nominated Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie so they'll show up on red carpets. LAME. Not one minute of Brad's performance is better than Leonardo DiCaprio in Rev Road.
And don't get me started on her. Ugh. I can do my impression of her in Changeling. Dark red lipstick, a roarin' twenties outfit, rivers of tears and scream "That's not my son!" like a broken record for 2+ hours. No thanks. Sally Hawkins, or Kristin Scott Thomas should've been in her spot.

No love for The Wrestler by Bruce Springstein. Super weird.

No Rosemarie DeWitt for Best Supporting or Jenny Lumet for Screenplay for Rachel Getting Married. Too bad.

Would've liked to see Charlie Kaufman get a Screenplay nomination but that was wishful thinking.

In conclusion, I still love to hate you Oscar.
We will stay together in out dysfuntional relationship and I will tell anyone that asks that "I fell down the stairs" and keep taking your abuse.

(more complaints to come with time)

Here's a complete list of nominations.

more complaints to come with time....

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