Monday, June 30, 2008

i am in love

ignore those 2 dumb blondes.
i'm more in love with Jonah Hill after seeding this.
read his questionnaire, you'll see.

Hometown: Cheviot Hills, California.
Breakthrough role: Seth in Superbad.
Upcoming films: This Side of Truth, How to Train Your Dragon.
Number of shoes in your closet? “When I was younger, [I had] a lot more. I used to be way into, like, Dunks, like Nike sneakers and stuff like that. As I got older, I kind of was just like, ‘Oh, I just kind of need shoes to walk around and play sports in and shit.’ ”
Chuck Taylors or Nikes? “I’ll give New Balance a shout-out. Hopefully they’ll send me some free shit.”
Style icon? “I’ll put Jason Schwartzman. He’ll get a kick out of that.”
BlackBerry or iPhone? “I love iPhone because I listen to music constantly.”
Justin Timberlake or John Mayer? “Just say, ‘We tried to ask him this question and the only thing he would say is “Public Enemy.” ’ ”
What’s on your iPod? “Daniel Johnston; Pet Sounds, by the Beach Boys; Caribou; Arcade Fire.”
Favorite movie? “Broadcast News, The Big Lebowski, Defending Your Life, The Last Detail, Boogie Nights. I love Paul Thomas Anderson.”
Xbox, Wii, or PlayStation? “All three.”
Favorite drink? Mint julep.
Last book you read? The Road, by Cormac McCarthy.

Ok. Just the fact that Broadcast News is the first movie he mentions! and PTA. Swoon.
If you haven't seen Broadcast News, please do. Thanks.

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